Nome: Mário Correia
Nickname: Obélix
Nº Foto Curso: 62
Data Nascimento: 1953.03.15
Residência: Montijo
eMail: Facebook: Sim
Brevet: 1723
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BA1 - Mário Frazão; Alegria Pires e Carlos Liberato |
BA1 |
Destacamento Funchal - Esq 31 - Mário Frazão |
BA7 - T6-G |
BA7; BA3
BA7 - Mário Frazão; António Guedes Magalhães; Vítor Fragoso; António Carneiro e Artur Pinto |
BA7 - Brevetamento - Carlos Liberato; António Guedes; Vítor Fragoso; Mário Frazão; Artur Pinto e António Carneiro |
BA7 - Brevetamento - Carlos Liberato; António Guedes; Vítor Fragoso; Birrento (P3/73 e Instrutor); Mário Frazão; Artur Pinto e António Carneiro |
BA3 - Esq 31 - DO27 |
Destacamento Funchal - Esq502 - Mário Frazão |
BA3 - Esq 502 - Mário Frazão |
BA3 - Esq502 - Mário Frazão; ??; ??; Reis; Filipe e Graça |
Missões civis em África |
TAP A332 at Lisbon on Jul 12th 2014, engine shut down in flight
(Montagem feita por Luis Tito a partir do sonoro original.
A asa vista da montagem é de um A340-312 e não do A330-200 comandado pelo Mário Frazão)
By Simon Hradecky, created Saturday, Jul
12th 2014 14:07Z, last updated Wednesday, Jun 15th 2016 18:38Z
A TAP Air Portugal Airbus
A330-200, registration CS-TOO performing flight TP-85 from Lisbon (Portugal) to
Sao Paulo Guarulhos,SP (Brazil) with 232 passengers and 11 crew, was climbing
out of Lisbon's runway 03 when the crew declared Mayday and stopped the climb
at 3000 feet reporting an engine (CF6) failure. The aircraft subsequently
climbed to 5000 feet and entered a hold. The aircraft dumped fuel and returned
to Lisbon for a safe landing on runway 03 about one hour after departure.
Lisbon police reported debris off the aircraft damaged a number of vehicles in
Camarate just north of the runway end.
The airline confirmed an engine malfunction, however said it was not an engine
A replacement Airbus A330-200 registration CS-TOH departed Lisbon with a delay
of about 12.5 hours and is estimated to reach Sao Paulo with a delay of 12:20
The airline's chairman reported on Jul 16th that a high pressure turbine's
vane, located just at the exit of the combustion chamber and thus taking the
highest temperatures, came loose, a problem that was introduced during
manufacturing of the engine.
On Jun 15th 2016 Portugal's GPIAA released their final report concluding the probable cause of the incident
Low temperature hot corrosion (Hot Corrosion Type II) assisted cracking
below the fixing platform of High Pressure Turbine stage one blades causing
blade separation during the initial climb phase.
Contributing factors were:
- The difficulty for the engine manufacturer, for reasons related to the
contracts with the various operators and/or availability, to schedule an
earlier Quick Turn that resulted in ESN 811471 engine reaching a CSN above the
desired (taking into account the record of previous events) for its removal;
- The engines’ exposure to corrosive elements such as dust, sand, pollution and
salt (operation over and close to maritime environment) due to the intrinsic
type of operation;
- The engines’ exposure to hot and dry environment due to the intrinsic type of
- The high content of sulfur in aviation fuel at international level.
The GPIAA reported that the first officer (30, ATPL, 4,734 hours total, 112
hours on type) was pilot flying, immediately upon the engine failure the
captain (61, ATPL, 8,202 hours total, 3,237 hours on type) took control of the
The crew commenced a flex takeoff departure from Lisbon's runway 03 assuming an
outside temperature of +39 degrees C and was climbing through 1300 feet AGL,
the gear had just retracted, when a loud noise was heard in the cockpit and
engine instruments showed an EGT of 1060 degrees C and N1 vibrations of 7.7
units for the right hand engine. The captain, taking control of the aircraft,
immediately reduced the right hand thrust to idle and declared emergency
advising he wanted to climb straight out to 3000 feet. The crew subsequently
worked the related checklists identifying the engine parameters were consistent
with damage, in order to secure the engine the crew discharged one fire bottle.
ATC requested the aircraft to climb to 5000 feet for a fuel dump, which the
crew complied with. The aircraft dumped about 40 tons of fuel in 41 minutes.
The aircraft subsequently positioned for an ILS approach to runway 03,
descending through 1000 feet AGL the crew received indication of a nose wheel
steering fault and advised ATC they might not be able to vacate the runway. The
aircraft landed safely, the crew managed to vacate the runway and stopped on
taxiway U4, the aircraft was subsequently towed to the apron.
The GPIAA wrote: "As a result of the contained engine failure, there was
some damage to some windows of cars and of a house as the A330 was overflying
the town of Camarate (Santiago neighbourhood)." (...)
ou na página
seleccionar 18/INCID/2014 - 2014/07/12
Mário Frazão - Prémio APPLA
Técnica 2017 (Créditos
fotográficos a Take Off Sirius (Guilhermino
Pinto) e agradecimentos de cedência de imagem à APPLA) |
Os Prémios APPLA - Associação dos Pilotos Portugueses de Linha Aérea têm por objectivo reconhecer,
motivar e incentivar o profissionalismo, a solidariedade, o altruísmo e a
dedicação no que, particularmente, se refere à profissão de piloto de linha aérea,
tanto no ponto de vista dos pilotos, como daqueles que de alguma forma contribuem
para a profissão e/ou para o bem-estar dos pilotos e das suas famílias.
No ano de 2017, o
Prémio APPLA Técnica foi atribuído em Ponte de Sôr, no dia 2017.10.28, ao comandante
TAP Mário Frazão por se ter distinguido em aspectos inerentes ao exercício da
profissão, nomeadamente, técnica de pilotagem, gestão de voo e tomada de